Sunday, 23 February 2014

Light You Up: allonsooyoung 1st Photobook

Choi Sooyoung has legs so slim and so long they seem to stretch out to infinity and beyond. She is the epitome of the ideal female body: Tall, slim, and with a metabolism so monstrously active she can eat more than most men and still have a body that is the envy of 99% of the species. Ordinarily, I would say she's a defect to our evolutionary pathways. Someone like her is too high maintenance and too inefficient in the survival of the fittest. But we're living in advanced civilisation now, and the fact that she is one of the Divine Nine gives her a free pass of sorts.

Anyway, I have a strange feeling that allonsooyoung had been careless. I'm not entirely sure all the fangoods promised are there, but I can't pick through this bit by bit. I don't do inventory checks at the minute level because I simply don't have the time. Plus, I don't care about free gifts (unless it's something I need, like a bookmark or a life-sized Taeyeon poster). The important stuff I'll account for it, but otherwise I don't give a damn.

This photobook has four sections. The first three are on her public and airport life. I highlighted pictures from these sections in the gallery linked below. The last section I've chosen to omit, for it covers her personal, private life. The private photos from this fourth section had been obtained and distributed with permission from Sooyoung's family, for I've heard that the fansite master for allonsooyoung (formerly it'S You) is a family friend of Sooyoung. Isn't that awesome? How many people can claim to be personally related to Soshi? Anyway, I think it is better not to allow those personal pictures to run rampant on the Internet, permitted as they are.

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